International Project

International Project

This survey is for those responding from institutions outside the US. There are also versions of this survey available in French, German, Russian, Spanish, and Chinese for those who would prefer to respond in those languages.

Our thanks to the following scholars, who have contributed the translations:

Céline Beaudet, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada (French)

Sylvie Plane, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France (French)
Paula Carlino, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (Spanish)

Constanza Padilla. CONICET, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina (Spanish)
Manuela Cartolari. CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina (Spanish)
Ana Brown. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (Spanish)
Nina Shevchuk-Murray, University of Nebraska, US (Russian)
Annette Verhein, Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil, Switzerland (German)

Huahui Zhao, Umeå University, Sweden (Chinese).


A database has been constructed from responses to this survey that will continue to be the foundation for further study by members of the collaborative. No data from the survey will be attributed to you or your institution without your express permission. Please note: As of March 6, 2008, the survey below has included the question "Would you be willing to have your name and institutional affiliation be made public in reports of this research?" If you answer "yes," you are giving us permission to publish your name and institution in reports of this research. If you have questions about any aspect of this research, please write to Chris Thaiss, UC Davis, Thank you!


The Questions

1. Where are students writing in the institution, in either a first language of instruction or in English? In what genres and circumstances?


2. Who cares in your institution about the improvement of student writing or student learning through writing?


3. Is improvement in student writing an objective of certain courses in a discipline or of the overall curriculum? How and why?


4. Have any teachers in/across disciplines met to talk about these issues or made an effort to plan curricula in relation to student writing?


5. What is the source of their interest and what models of student writing/learning development (e.g., articles, books, other documents), if any, help guide these discussions?


6. Would you be willing to have your name and institutional affiliation be made public in reports of this research?


Contact Information
Language(s) of Instruction: 


All survey responses are confidential, for data-gathering purposes only. If researchers wish to use names of institutions or names of specific respondents in reporting any data from the survey responses at conferences or in publications, permission will be asked and received from the particular respondents before the names may be used.

As of March 6, 2008, the International Survey for respondents from outside the U.S. has included the following question: "Would you be willing to have your name and institutional affiliation be made public in reports of this research?" If you answer "yes" to this question, you are giving us permission to publish your name and institution in any reports we make on this research. If you have questions about confidentiality, please write to us.