2015-2020 Survey
The 2020 survey is a survey that was disseminated over the course of five years, beginning in 2015. While it was predominantly disseminated from 2015 to 2017, it was disseminated for a limited period in 2019 and 2020 to receive additional results.
Questions covered topics such as:
- Institutional size and type
- Age of program
- Program components
- Program location
- Program category
- Director responsibilities and releases
- Assessment of Institutional Support
WAC Programs and ELL Students
A great majority of program leaders are associate / full professors, but many program leaders are non-tenure and many fall within the category of “other.” Those program leaders which fell within the category of “other” were diverse in academic rank. Examples of academic rank included deans, provosts, and distinguished faculty.
Some programs exist within a department, such as an English department. Other such departments are comparative media studies/writing, interdisciplinary studies, general education and undergraduate studies. At least ten identify as being part of a writing center.
Other programs are part of a campus writing intensive requirement and a campus general education requirement. These latter programs often stand alone.
Institutions more often than not identified their programs as “Writing Across the Curriculum.” Those that claimed this category for their programs also claimed several of the other categories as well. It was common for a program to be “Writing Across the Curriculum,” and also a WAC Emphasis in the Writing Center, a Writing in the Disciplines Program, a WI/GE requirement, and a Communication Across the Curriculum Program. When an institution didn’t identify their program as being “Writing Across the Curriculum,” they often identified that program as being a WAC Emphasis in the Writing Center, a WI/GE requirement, or Writing in the Disciplines. Such programs typically fell within a single category, with the most frequent those aforementioned.